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For information about the religious beliefs of Roberts does not have to be exact. One uncited commentor actress has claimed to have said in an interview that it does not she want to discuss religion in public. Can mean that you are a member of Satanism cult that uses the star power of her for her to penetrate to the masses, better now, it is because of that it's a non religious she us I think the premise. We do not have a lot in order to continue the politics of her either, but she's a liberal, perhaps enough to know at least. One of the causes that have been openly support is a marriage, gay like many other celebrities she. In response to the declaration of President Barack Obama of support for gay marriage obviously, she murmured, "Amen." She also, ballot measure in California that gay marriage and purpose to illegal that has participated in the NOH8 campaign in response to the passage of Proposition 8 in order to promote the equality of marriage, there is a charity. As with proponents of other celebrities, she appears in the photo for the organization with the duct tape of the NOH8 over her mouth and written on her cheeks.

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