Cute Girl Wishes Dewali Image Wide

As a post harvest festival of the Hindu calendar month of the summer of Karthikai, Diwali dates back to ancient times in India. Padma Purana, Skanda Purana, and the festival has been described in Sanskrit Hindu scriptures of the other. Are described in the Skanda Purana for Diva (lamp) represents a portion of the solar symbolically, seasonal transition in the Hindu calendar month of Kartik.King Harsha plays a Nagananda in the 7th century Sanskrit, to the life of all mention lamp is turned on Diwali, the giver light and energy, of the universe, such as Deepapratipadutsava, given a gift to the groom and bride newly engaged. Rajasekhara is called Diwali as Dipamalika in the 9th century Kavyamimamsa his characterized in that it mentions the tradition of oil lamps and home that has been whitewashed him decorate the house, the market streets and in the evening. The historian Al Biruni and Persian traveler, a memoir of his 11th century in India, Diwali wrote it is celebrated by Hindus on the day of the new moon of the month of Kartika.

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