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May 2010, Wallflower.Filming began in the summer of 2011 Watson, the film has been reported to be in talks to star in the film adaptation of the Parks of Being which was released in September 2012. Bling Ring In (2013), Watson starred as Nicky. The film, Watson is based on the Bling Ring robbery of reality have to play a novel version of the TV personality was one of seven teenagers involved in Alexis Neiers  robbery. The film was rated a variety of mainly, but because of the portrayal of Watson in the film Nikki, critics, gave nearly unanimous praise. Also Watson, end she played herself is a (2013), which had a supporting role in the comedy apocalyptic. In June 2012, Watson was confirmed for the role Noah Darren Aronofsky taken the start of the next month, the medium Ila, she talks to star in a version of Guillermo Del Toro of Beauty and the Beast it was released in March 2014 that has been working. In March 2013, that it had been negotiations Watson starring as the character of the live action adaptation of the titular Disney Cinderella has been reported. Kenneth Branagh was attached to direct the adaptation to while it was agreed to play the evil stepmother to convey Kate Blanchett. Watson provides a role, but I turned it down. Watson was attached to the 2012 on the role of Emma Forrest in the film adaptation of your voice in my head memoir of her. At the time, I was attached to David Yates Harry Potter director. I appeared in an interview in May 2013, Watson has not been attached as the star of the movie anymore. Stanley Tucci, and said that the role is played at Emily Blunt.However, instead by September 2013, Watson is involved in the role production in the forest again, it is the new in November of the same year and the director is the photographed that it begins has been confirmed, Francesca Gregory. As of June 2013, based on the trilogy of books that are to released yet, Watson is configured to work with producer David Heyman of Harry Potter for the queen of film Tearling her next have. As well as executive producer.Warner Brothers to distribute the movie, she will lead the film as a heroine Kelsea Glynn. We reported in September 2013 that to between Watson starring are young, rather than hers, it, focus on young at heart grandmother would spend the time her granddaughter with (Watson) film adaptation of the novel daughter 29, of 2010 of adena Hull Pern relied on. Stephen Chbosky collaboration with Parks on of being a Wallflower Watson, the film, is director. In October 2013, she was chosen as the woman of the year by GQ. Also Watson, it has been cast opposite Ethan Hawke in the thriller regression. I will guide the film to be released in 2015 that Alejandro AmenĂ¡bar wrote.

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