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In 2002, Khan played the title role of the period romance Devdas Sanjay Leela of Bhansali. This was Hindi film adaptation of the third novel of Sharat Chandra Choto Daae package of the same name. It was the most expensive Bollywood movie done in time as starring Madhuri Dixit and Aishwarya Rai opposite of alcoholic rebellious Khan ever. Performance of Khan was popular, and I won the Filmfare Best Actor award him another. INR840 billion (14 million) acquisition, in India and abroad, the movie became the highest grossing movie of the year worldwide. Including (including the "best scene") and 10 Filmfare Awards, and won numerous awards, even when subjected to special screening at the Cannes Film Festival.It of 2002, Devdas Nominated for BAFTA for Best Foreign Language Film subject to, film at the Academy Awards was the entry of the Best Foreign Language in India. In an interview with Rediff.com, is our star, to deep sadness, everyone is your Khan. He said somehow, and "live in this bubble that everyone you love lose touch with the real is laughing at you. And with that emotion to put us in touch working on this movie. After the publication of "movie, Khan, he said," enjoyed the feeling that just sad ", he took a break of six months from acting between them. Including drama Ham Tumhare Hainsanamu family were long delays, Khan appeared in the works of three other of the year. In December 2001, Khan suffered a spinal cord injury while performing a sequence of actions for a special appearance at the Shakti of Krishna Vamsi: the power. Aggravate his condition further, he flew to Lucknow stage show, a week after the series. By the time you return to Mumbai, he was experiencing severe pain Khan. Then, he was diagnosed with herniated disc between vertebrae 6 and 7. Khan tried alternative therapies more than one, but nothing does not lead to a permanent solution. During the filming of Devdas, was still in pain him.

Beautifull shahrukh khan photo wide


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